The Problem...

Thousands of people are injured every year using a traditional or retractable leash for their pet.

  • 423,000

    Injuries treated at emergency rooms as a result from walking a leashed pet

  • 23,000

    Were Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), among the most common injuries suffered

  • 40-64

    The most common ages of individuals injured, with 75% being women.

The Solution

The Kruzer E-Z Leash

The Kruzer Leash is designed with you and your pet's safety in mind. The patent-pending design gives you more control over your pet and reduces the risk for injury while elevating the walking experience.

  • Better comfort with a soft grip handle and added wrist loop
  • A sturdy, fiberglass center that keeps the leash from bending and wrapping around the walker
  • No tricky mechanics that can malfunction
  • No jerking that causes injury to you or your pet
  • No wrapping around your legs, ankles, or feet causing tripping and injury

The Kruzer Leash - see for yourself!

Walking a pet can improve your health!

Studies show a clear link between pet ownership and enhanced health.

  • Walking a pet helps improve physical and mental health and creates opportunities for socialization.
  • Playing with a pet is shown to improve mood.
  • Being with a pet can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Pets can help reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and lonliness.
  • Pets can lead to better cognitive function for their owners.
  • Stability

    The Kruzer Leash provides stability that won't allow your pet to wrap the leash around your legs

  • Control

    The rigidity in the Kruzer Leash gives you greater control over your pet, providing safety for you and them

  • Comfort

    Made from premium materials that provide comfort for you and your pet, making the leash great for every day use