The latest innovation in pet safety.

The Kruzer Leash is designed with you and your pet's safety in mind. The patent-pending design gives you more control over your pet and reduces the risk for injury while elevating the walking experience.

The Kruzer Leash - see for yourself!

  • 423,000

    Injuries treated at emergency rooms as a result from walking a leashed pet

  • 23,000

    Were Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), among the most common injuries suffered

  • 40-64

    The most common ages of individuals injured, with 75% being women.

  • Stability

    The Kruzer Leash provides stability that won't allow your pet to wrap the leash around your legs

  • Control

    The rigidity in the Kruzer Leash gives you greater control over your pet, providing safety for you and them

  • Comfort

    Made from premium materials that provide comfort for you and your pet, making the leash great for every day use

Stay out of harms way!

Keep you and your pet safe. Don't let retractable leashes put you or your pet in danger. Stay safe with the Kruzer Leash.